How to install Virtual environment (virtualenv) and requirements.txt in python3

Install virtual environment and use requirements.txt

Step 1.

Install python 3

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python3.6

you can check python version

python3 -V

Step 2

Now install 

sudo apt install python3-pip

Please check pip version

pip3 -V  

it's should be >= pip 20.0.0

Step 3

Install virtualenv

pip3 install virtualenv

Step 4

Now select a directory where you want to setup virtualenv Like

cd /directory/path

Step 5

In that directory setup virtualenv with python3

virtualenv -p python3 ./dir_name

it will create a dir_name folder (dir), You can change it whatever you like (dir_name you should write anything whatever you like)

Step 6

Now active it 

source dir_name/bin/activate

now you console look like this

(dir_name) computer$

if you write down "python" and  then enter, your python3 will be run 

Step 7

pip3 install install-requires

Now we have 2 ways to create requirements.txt

(i) install any packages

pip3 install django

and then run a command 

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

it will create a requirements.txt with all the packages list

(ii) second way:

create a requirements.txt manully and write down this


and instal this with this command 

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you virtualenv activate then you all pip packages install in you virtualenv, You can see them 


install your virtualenv on your live server and just copy your requirements.txt over there and run this with they help of this command 

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

all require packages install on your server with same version.


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